Welcome to Greenway Park Baptist Church!
If you are a first time visitor with us, you are our honored guest!

Greenway Park Baptist Church is a local Independent body of believers located at 1031 Townbranch Rd. Graham, NC.   We understand that visiting a new church can be a bit awkward, so here are some things about Greenway Park and what you can expect when you arrive.


Our church services are a mixture of Modern and Traditional music.  We use the NKJV version for our services.


Each service you will hear Bible based teaching with real life application.


We are not a dress up crowd, most people wear casual dress.

Our Pastor
Aaron Wall

Shana and I were married in 2004. We have two sons in college, Sean & Corey,  and Jasper is in kindergarten. We are honored to have been at Greenway since 2013, where God and His people have blessed us greatly. I love the family atmosphere at the church and am excited to see what the Lord has for us in the future.

What We Believe

- Man, the world, and the universe were created by an intelligent designer, the one and only eternal God who exists in 3 persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit.

- We were created in the image of God, perfect, and with free will.

- Man chose to sin and separate himself from God, resulting in the need for a punishment for our sins, which is death.

- God, in His infinite Love and Mercy, extended Grace to mankind by sending Jesus Christ to earth.

- Jesus Christ, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life and chose to take our punishment, dying on the cross.

- Jesus Christ rose from the dead and ascended into heaven.

- As fallen man, we have the choice to accept Jesus Christ as our Savior from eternal death.

- We must humble ourselves, admit our sinfulness, repent, and surrender our lives and desires to Jesus for salvation.

- Through this acceptance, we are saved from eternal punishment and can live with God in Heaven.

- Until God calls His people home, we remain on this earth and live for Him, sharing the Love and Grace of God with others.

- We are not alone in this mission; God sends His Holy Spirit to live inside us, comforting, encouraging, and strengthening us.

- God has established the church to equip the saints for the work of ministry, by building one another up in  the unity and knowledge of Jesus Christ.